The first topic of our Parenting 101 session was about Toilet Learning VS Toilet Training. In the Infancy room we start off by sitting them on the toilet after taking the diaper off, so they can begin to feel comfortable and get used to the feeling of sitting on the toilet. So when they move along to the Toddler classroom, they will already be partially prepared to start Toilet learning as they have been introduced to the toilet.
Communication is the key, ask your child if they have had a bowel movement or did they urinate. Not all infants have the words to tell us they need to use the washroom or tell us they urinated or had a bowel movement, instead they use gestures. They will point at their body, or if we ask sometimes, they will respond with a nod.
Have you ever thought of or considered the use of cloth diapers? They are similar to wearing an underwear. Would have the same feeling when they soil/wet the cloth diaper as a they would in an underwear. The only difference is the cloth diaper will hold the waste just like a regular diaper does. As in regular diapers absorb the urine so they don’t feel the discomfort.
Have you ever wondered how much you spend on regular diapers?
If you wish to consider looking into cloth diapers, here is a website link:
Is my child ready to use the toilet? From a Montessori perspective we are not teaching the child but rather we are observing the child and their needs.
Physiologically: It is a natural process that develops gradually at each child pace. The digestive and urinary system perform their functions the child needs to control and coordinate these actions, their awareness of them has to develop currently with the maturation of the systems involved.
Emotional: Introducing the potty as young as 12 months to get the child used to it as a part of toileting routine, before the power struggle starts, the crisis of self-affirmation (tantrums). The best way to determine the emotional state your child is in, and how conducive this is to toilet learning, is to observe both his general behavior and his responses to any suggestions about potty use.
Physically: the child is walking and can sit without support all the muscles are functioning and can be directed by the will. By the time the child is walking, his or her body has developed the muscles needed to control urine and bowel movements. Although the muscles have developed, they need some practice before the child has control over them.
At Kaban, the toddler classroom offers the opportunity for this, with a well-prepared washroom area, the environment supports many opportunities throughout the day for the child to use the toilet, change wet underwear and to see other children use the toilet.
The regular use of the toilet/potty allows the children to become familiar and comfortable.
It needs to be a positive experience and the children will start by exploring the environment. This allows the children the freedom of movement so that they can teach themselves to move on and off the potty/toilet at their own learning pace, additionally this allows the child to be more independent.
It is important to decide if you are ready to commit to the process and all it entails. This could include loads of washing; wet or soiled carpets and what people may think if you child is not toilet ready by a certain age. More often than not it requires months of learning for the child and it is important to have and maintain a positive attitude and avoid putting a time period or the age you wish your child to be toilet trained. It is possible that children will develop manipulative actions regarding toileting (e.g. wetting self on purpose) if they believe it will affect your behavior.
Every child is different and toilet ready at a different age, these are some tips to help the process: