Kaban Montessori School
October Newsletter
October 31, 2023

Events of the Month

  1. October 5th:  Food Bank Donations
  2. October 5th:  Teachers Day
  3.  October 6th:  Thanksgiving lunch celebrations in classrooms 
  4.  October 9th:  NO SCHOOL | Thanksgiving

The theme of the month is Thanksgiving around the world and Fall Harvesting.

We will be discussing the significance of harvest time to various cultures across the globe, where people celebrate the success and abundance of their crop yields. We will delve into the Moon Festival in China, Tet Trung Thu and the mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam, the harvest festival of Homowo in Ghana, and the Jewish festival of Sukkot in Israel.

In addition, we will explore the Canadian tradition of Thanksgiving and address some of the common questions related to it, such as why it is celebrated in October and when the first Thanksgiving occurred. Our aim is to enhance your knowledge and appreciation of the various harvest season celebrations that take place around the world.

Focus of the Month:

To give students more time to develop skills, we will focus on music starting this month, and will resume technology-focused learning in spring.

Focus of the Month:

Rules and procedures in the classroom and school.

How to welcome someone in the classroom, How to introduce yourself, how to offer something, and how to ask for things.

During this first month of music in class, we'll share and explore our love of music, and learn about music from around the world.

Focus of the month: Dance and Rhythm

At Kaban, our physical education program is responsible for helping students learn the value of activity for health, recreation and social interaction. Our focus is to promote movement (help students get out of a sedentary lifestyle), promote physical fitness as fun and develop teamwork, sportsmanship and cooperation among others. We will not only boost kids' education, but prepare them for an active, healthy, and productive lifestyle.

October 5 is the first day of Ph.Ed.

Remember to bring a water bottle, running shoes and the complete sports uniform.

Focus of the Month:

Review of vocabulary from last year's workbook and introduce the new vocabulary to the new students.

(French: AlM and Spanish: Colega).

Introduce/review the classroom objects in both languages

Introduce the numbers 0 to 10 (grade 1/2). 

Review the numbers 0 to 20 (grade 3/4). 

Review the numbers 0 to 30 (grade 6)

Introduce/review the days of the week and months of year.

Grandparents Tea Party

Food Drive :)

International Peace Day

First Month of School! Fun days filled with exploration, new discoveries and reunited with friends! 

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