Kaban Montessori School
December Newsletter
December 31, 2023

Events of the Month

  1. December 1st:  NO SCHOOL | Parent Teacher Interviews
  2. December 15th 9am - 12pm: NO SCHOOL | Winter Fair
  3. December 22nd: Last Day of School
  4. December 23rd - Jan 7th: NO SCHOOL | Winter Break
  5. January 8th: Back to School

The focus of this month of December is Winter

Celebrations. These celebrations remind us that we are all part of something larger and that life is always changing and renewing. Most celebrations involve meditating, lighting candles, singing, and sharing food with loved ones and friends. We will review some of the most popular celebrations, such as Yalda from Iran, Yule in Northern Europe, Kwanzaa in Africa, Christmas, and Hanukkah. We will also research with older children about the winter solstice, when, where, and why it happens.

The children will make winter ornaments to decorate their homes, and we will prepare various activities for the winter fair. We will also sing together and enjoy the festive atmosphere.

Focus of the Month:

Will we resume technology-focused learning in Spring.

Focus of the Month:

Learning about Family and Community Traditions, Changing Traditions, Holiday Traditions around the world, and Christmas Crafts.

Focus of the Month:

Preparing Crafts for the Winter Fair and getting ready for the Winter Fair performances. Students are having fun with percussion instruments and making music together.

Focus of the month:

focus on building students' physical resilience and stamina. Through age-appropriate exercises and activities, children develop muscle strength, improve cardiovascular fitness, and boost overall endurance. This instills the importance of perseverance and effort. It encourages a sense of accomplishment as students gradually increase their abilities and can endure more extended physical challenges. These lessons in strength and endurance equip them with essential life skills and an appreciation for the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle.

Week 1-2: Exercises to build strength and endurance.

Week 3-4: Relay races and other endurance activities.

Focus of the Month:

Practice and rehearse the concert song

Continue with building the vocabulary from the workbook (French: AIM and Spanish: Colega).

Continue with family member vocabulary

Continue with winter clothes and colors vocabulary

Review what we have done in the past few months.

Remembrance Day Art

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